
July 2020 Philadelphia Chapter of Pax Christi U.S.A.


Stop the Militarization of American Police

Barbara Nilenders


Barbara Nilenders, a faithful CPF member, sent the following to two Philadelphia newspapers on 6/4/20. She received word the newspaper was interested but as of this date, it has not appeared…..



Stop the Militarization

of American Police To:"" <>

After viewing the death of George Floyd, I both felt heartsick and outraged that an unarmed African American was dying before our very eyes. The police officer kneeling on the man’s neck, appearing to have no regard for George Floyd as a human being.

What kind of training do the police get to act in such a brutal, inhumane manner? An article in the June 2, 2020 Jerusalem Post reported that a Pro Palestinian group (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights) accused the Israeli military of training American Law Enforcement in racist and repressive tactics particularly against black and brown individuals. An Amnesty International report (2016) detailed that police departments from Baltimore, Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and California among others received training from Israeli’s police, military and intelligence. It has been reported that many of these trainers have committed human rights abuses.

We must say NO to MILITARIZATION of our American police force. We must end our association with Israeli training programs. Now is the time for Real Police Reform, Real Judicial Reform and investment in our communities. We must seriously confront the Racism in our country that has existed too long, eliminate it and replace it with policies respecting the value of each human being.


